Video or Audio podcast


Should I create a video or audio podcast?

Before pressing record on your podcast recording equipment, you need to consider whether you want a video or audio podcast.

This guide will take you through what a video podcast is, including the pros and cons of videos and audio podcasts. Podcast production agency. B2B Podcast Production

Video vs Audio podcast:

As you’re making your decision ask yourself this question:

Are you making content for people’s ears or their eyes?

Video vs Audio podcasts Podcast Production agency

Podcasts are overwhelmingly done in audio, and are subscribed to in listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, and Overcast. But, humans are inherently visual creatures and video adds visual complexity and emotional depth that audio may not. That’s one of the reasons video is quickly becoming the foundation of the modern web. 

Like aspiring actors flocking to Hollywood for more exposure, creators are translating their work into video for YouTube in hopes of growing their audience. Podcast production in London. B2B podcast production

The question you must answer is “Should I actually do a video or audio podcast?” This article explores several reasons to consider between creating a video vs audio podcast.

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What is a video/audio podcast?

A video on YouTube technically isn’t a podcast. It’s a YouTube video. A video podcast is one that is uploaded as audio on podcast listening platforms as well we having accompanying Youtube video whereas an audio podcast is simply audio with no video component.

Should you make a video podcast?

People gravitate to the faces of other humans because we’re hardwired that way. We use other people’s facial expressions to develop emotional context. You need to look at people’s faces to find out.

So our brains react differently to faces. We prioritize them over other visual stimuli. And when people pay attention, your engagement goes up.

Is it better to create an audio or video podcast?

Audio podcasts tend to be cheaper because you usually only need a microphone, set of headphones and a laptop while for video podcasts you also need to factor in cameras, your background/shooting location, makeup, video editing etc.

However, video podcasts tend to be more popular because they give your audience another reason to choose your content instead of the flood of other stimuli they see every day. A video podcast provides a different sort of appeal that audio podcasts alone cannot. 

Social media is made for video 

Social media is optimised for video, not for audio. In the end, that’s what separates your content from everyone else on the podcast circuit.

The emergence of wavegrams has made this problem a bit easier to solve. Learn how to turn your podcast into video in 60mins!



Familiarity Principle – the more you’re exposed to something, the more familiar you become to it.

It’s the same reason why people deliver the news every night. It’s also why brands bombard us with advertisements we barely pay attention to. 

Use the same logic with your video podcast. By consistently repurposing your show to video, your audience will become familiar with your face. Which means they might come to prefer you as host to others they can’t see. 

Youtube Fans

There’s no doubt podcasts are growing in popularity but, YouTube is absolutely gigantic and has been around for much longer than podcasting.

Google estimates that over 1.9 billion people log into YouTube every month. That’s roughly 30% of everyone who uses the Internet. 

YouTube could be rocket fuel for growing your audience. Sure, you could upload the audio of your podcast over a static image, but then you’d pass up on the advantages outlined above. 

With that all said, if you’d like more help with your podcast – from turning your idea into a podcast, structure, editing, monetising – then be sure to check out our free guides.

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