How To Edit Your Podcast


Learning how to edit your podcast is easier than you think!

There are now several platforms to try out when editing your podcast and we have created a list of easy-to-use podcast editing software with tips on how to edit your podcast to improve your listeners’ experience.

how to edit your podcast

Editing your podcast

Before pressing record on your home podcast setup or in a studio, you need to think about how you’re going to edit all the audio content you’re going to be creating.

It might be intimidating but it’s not as daunting as you anticipate.

How can I edit my podcast for free?

Remember when we said we said structuring your podcast will leave with a smoother editing process? Read the How to Structure your Podcast article. This is where structure becomes important.

2021 has witnessed an increase in podcast editing software and the market seems to expand daily! Below are some podcast editing software you can use for free:

Tips to remember when editing your podcast:

  1. Cut out the ‘uhms’ ‘oohhs’ ‘erms’.
  2. Listen back to your recording before you start editing and note down time stamps of the timings where you want to edit. 

  3. Play around with the volume. You don’t want your listeners struggling to listen as they tune in on the train but you also don’t want to be screaming in their ears.
  4. Use sound effects tastefully. Your listeners’ audio experience is very important so be mindful to not over crowd your audio.
  5. Listen back once you’ve edited the episode to make sure all the necessary changes are made.
  6. If you’re using music in during the intro or outro of your podcast, remember to make sure it’s suitable of the topic you’re discussing.
  7. Your title and show description are just as important when editing your podcast. Think about how you’ll use this to attract listeners.

How does structure help when editing a podcast?

Having a structure helps when editing your podcast because it allows you to spend less time on editing and repositioning audio. 

When editing your podcast audio, think back to what is necessary in podcast structure which is: intro, main topic and outro. Read our How to structure a podcast guide for more tips. 

If you’re hiring a producer, family friend or partner to edit your podcast, it’s easy to instruct them on how to edit your podcast if you already have a structure. Some podcast editors will charge you based on how long it takes to edit an episode. Therefore, if you have a clear structure, you’ll have a faster turn-around time which in turn allows you save money!

Most importantly, it allows you to focus on the most important thing: creating more audio content.

Should I hire someone to edit my podcast?

Still got absolutely no interest in having anything to do with editing your podcast? That’s perfectly normal. It just means that you’ll probably need to hire someone to do it for you.

One of the benefits of recording in a studio is that there is an ever growing number of producers out there who make themselves available for podcast editing work. If you’re a brand, we recommend this is the most viable route to take. 

There are a variety of freelancers on sites like Fiverr and Upwork where you’ll find a freelancer to do the job for you.

Time to distribute your podcast! Scroll down for more information.

Need help editing your podcast?

Our experienced, in house editing team will edit your videos or audio files to create a professional sounding podcast. Send us an email to for rates and more information.




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