Month: August 2020

Claudia Jones: creator of Notting Hill carnival

For the first time in sixty years, the traditional Notting Hill Carnival won’t take place. A symbol of multi-culturalism, tolerance and resilience, deeply embedded into British history so it’s no surprise that every year the event attracts millions of people to the West London area. Born in a time where racism and xenophobia were normalised, the festival owes its existence to a Black woman named Claudia Jones. Journalist, Marxist and activist, Claudia invested her time and energy into creating a festival that would celebrate and unify a community. This year, more than ever, the festival rings an even stronger bell. So, may her name be said.


Virtual Podcast Festival #BlackLivesMatter special

After 3 months locked up at home BBE is back hosting our first virtual live podcast.On August 9th, we’ll be discussing topics pertaining to the Black Lives Matter movement ranging from racism in sport, Black feminism, LGBTQA movement in London and more.